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2023/2024 School Year

21st Sep 2023
The children could not wait to try all the play based learning activities prepared...
21st Sep 2023
The girls in Years 3 and 4 had a fantastic morning improving their football skills....
21st Sep 2023
We’ve found weevils in our hard tack (biscuits/crackers that Pirates would...
21st Sep 2023
We have had lots of fun measuring outside using a metre stick. We have a good understanding...
21st Sep 2023
Our topic this term is ‘Water, Water, Everywhere’. The children will...
21st Sep 2023
We have all settled really well back into school life. We had lots of fun playing...
21st Sep 2023
This is a parent workshop on improving your child's digital well-being. The...
21st Sep 2023
P5 enjoyed learning how to use the Adobe Reader App today. They created some amazing...
19th Sep 2023
From Monday 25th until Friday 29th September we are encouraging children to actively...
19th Sep 2023
The Year 1 girls had fun learning some new football skills. Well done girls on your...