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News - Nursery

7th Apr 2024
The nursery boys and girls have been working hard at learning to put their coat on...
7th Apr 2024
During the month of October we used lots of natural materials such as leaves and...
7th Apr 2024
Nursery had a lovely time exploring the school grounds and finding different types...
7th Apr 2024
Gardening is one of the best ways to learn the different parts of the flowers. We...
7th Apr 2024
The month of September had all the boys and girls settle well into the start of their...

2022/2023 School Year

29th Jun 2023
On Monday, the school kitchen provided all the Nursery boys and girls with school...
29th Jun 2023
The great weather has allowed all of the children to take advantage of the amazing...
28th Jun 2023
The Nursery boys and girls really enjoyed their Father’s Day breakfast in school...
28th Jun 2023
Last month, the PTFA organised a break the rules day for the whole school and nursery....