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News - Year 6/7

11th Mar 2024
Congratulations to one of our Year 7 pupils who recently took part in the Omagh...
30th Jan 2024
On Thursday 25th January Years 5, 6 and 7 travelled to the SWC to learn all about...
22nd Jan 2024
We have been learning about the incomes and expenditures a family has.  We had...
16th Jan 2024
We enjoyed some time playing in the snow today. There just wasn’t quite enough...
15th Jan 2024
Today we started rugby coaching with Alan from Enniskillen Rugby Club. We learnt...
14th Dec 2023
As today was our last swimming session, we called into KFC for our lunch on the way...
14th Dec 2023
We all enjoyed out Christmas dinner on Tuesday. Our class made elf hats, table decorations,...
20th Nov 2023
This week we completed a science experiment to find out which string made the best...
20th Nov 2023
On Monday we had some visitors to take us on an amazing journey through the bible....