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Baronscourt Day

24th May 2023

On Wednesday 24th May, Year 5 and 6 travelled to the beautiful and peaceful setting of Baronscourt as part of the Pushkin Project. 
We spent the day with the Year 5 children from St Paul’s PS, exploring the fabulous grounds. We saw and heard a variety of birds, different trees, plants and flowers while enjoying the lovely weather and learning a lot from our facilitators. Some groups used their walk outside as inspiration for writing some poetry. Others participated in a music workshop where they took on the role as composers producing a wonderful variety of music to accompany a familiar story using a wide range of instruments. Other groups participated in creating and performing a dance using a machine as inspiration.  
A huge thank you to all the staff and facilitators from the Pushkin Project for a very informative and enjoyable day. 
We now look forward to sharing all we’ve learned and experienced at a special Assembly for our parents on 27th June.